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Episode 5: Feeling Stuck in Your Career? 5 Ways to Maximize Your Career in 2025 with Ethan Bernstein

Posts Tagged:
Belonging, Inclusion Diversity


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    Cultivating Confidence, Goal-Setting
    10 Ways to Find or Create Joy at Work

    Is a joy-filled job an oxymoron? We don't think so. Here's how to infuse joy into your career.

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    Diversity, Belonging + Inclusion
    The Importance of Psychological Safety at Work for Women of Color

    What is psychological safety and why is it more important than ever in the workplace? Contributor Ciera Graham takes us through the pressures and scrutinization women of color face every day—and how to create safe spaces at work, for every body.

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    Managing Your Money, Negotiation, Salary + Compensation
    Why and How You Should Ask What Someone Earns

    The rule where we're not supposed to talk about money serves nobody—except those trying to underpay us at every turn. Here's why you need to ask about salaries. Here's how you can ask what someone earns.

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    Diversity, Belonging + Inclusion, Work Culture
    10 Behaviors at Work That Might Be Due to an Invisible Disability

    What are invisible disabilities? These are some behaviors that might masquerade as "bad behavior" in the workplace.

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    Diversity, Belonging + Inclusion, Soft Skills, Work Culture
    Apathy at Work (Doesn't Work)

    Apathy has no place in the modern workforce. Here's why we're replacing any apathy with empathy.

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    Diversity, Belonging + Inclusion
    Why Women of Color Need Spaces Without White People

    What is the white gaze and how does it affect women of color at work—and, let's face it, everywhere else. This is why it's crucial for women of color to have spaces free of white people.

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    Diversity, Belonging + Inclusion
    Acknowledging Anti-Asian Racism in the World + at Work

    With an exponential increase in random violence against the AAPI community, we're diving into common misconceptions about Asians and Pacific Islanders, why they're so harmful, and why there's been "silence" around these problems for too long.

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    Negotiation, Salary + Compensation
    Asking for a Raise as a Black Woman

    Asking for a raise isn't easy, but when you're a Black or Brown woman, it's that much more layered and complicated. Here's how to ask for a raise as a Black or Brown woman.

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    Diversity, Belonging + Inclusion, Leadership + Management
    Why Cultivating Black Leadership Matters

    Black leadership is crucial to cultivate real belonging, true inclusion, and a pipeline to success for up-and-coming Black leaders. Here's why.

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    Diversity, Belonging + Inclusion, Work Culture, Workplace Toxicity
    Why Intersectionality Matters More Than Ever

    The term "intersectionality" was coined by Kimberlé Crenshaw to speak to the myriad of experiences and oppressions that women of color endure. Here's why it's more important than ever.